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    • undefined

    8arm PEG Thiol (hexaglycerol)




    ≥ 90%


    1g, 10g, 100g等(特殊包装需收取分装费用)


    10000Da, 20000 Da等





    • 产品描述
    • 参考文献
    •   j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科技提供高品质八臂聚乙二醇巯基产品,取代率≥ 95%。


        j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科技提供8ARM-SH分子量 10000Da, 20000 Da产品 1克和10克包装。





    •   References:

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        2. Brown, T.E., et al., Photopolymerized dynamic hydrogels with tunable viscoelastic properties through thioester exchange, Biomaterials, 2018.

        3. Aziz, A.H., et al., Mechanical characterization of sequentially layered photo-clickable thiol-ene hydrogels, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2017, V. 65, p. 454-465.

        4. Huynh, C.T., et al., Cytocompatible Catalyst-free Photodegradable Hydrogels for Light-Mediated RNA Release to Induce hMSC Osteogenisis. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2017.

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             15.Su, Q., et al., Facile preparation of a metal-phenolic network-based lymph node targeting nanovaccine for antitumor immunotherapy, Acta Biomaterialia, V. 158, 2023, P. 510-524.

             16.Pham-Nguyen, O.V, et al., Complete breakdown of copper-free clickable doxorubicin nanoclusters for real-time tumor proliferation tracking, Chemical Engineering Journal, 468, 2023.

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